Located a little over 20km from Melbourne´s CBD, Mullum Creek estate extends over 20 hectares, featuring 56 lots ranging from 1000 to over 3000sqm. The Mullum Mullum Creek forms the eastern boundary of the estate, and is its defining feature. Over millennia the creek has shaped the valley’s distinctive gentle curves and enclosing slopes. On the creek terraces mature Manna Gums provide habitat for a variety of bird and mammal species, while up-slope the trunks and leaves of remnant Candlebark, Yellow Box and Red Box eucalypts display a range of subtle and varied textures, colours and hues, contributing to the unique character of this tranquil valley. These natural features provide the inpiration for the estate’s layout, design and landscaping.
Award-winning landscape architects Taylor Cullity Lethlean, led by Kevin Taylor, have been involved in shaping the Mullum Creek estate since its inception and have applied their site-responsive design approach to the development’s layout and masterplan. Scape Architecture and Urban Design embellished the masterplan with a number of improvements, and CDA Design Group have enriched the layout and provided detail, colour and texture with their landscape design and documentation.
Environmental considerations have been addressed at every stage of the development, with home lots restricted to cleared land that previously supported apple orchards and cow paddocks; there is only limited development on steeper and southerly aspects and streamside environs. Over 45 percent of the estate, more than 8 ha, has been set aside as reserve and donated to Manningham Council to extend the Mullum Mullum Creek Linear Park and Bike Trail, which meanders through the development. Bushland areas, comprising remnant vegetation, mature eucalypts and streamside environs providing important faunal habitat, will be preserved, rehabilitated and maintained in keeping with the character of the original landscape. The Linear Park links cyclists and walkers with Melbourne’s recreational trail network, giving access to the Yarra Trail to the north, and thence right into the heart of Melbourne’s CBD,and with other trails to the south and east.
The lots at Mullum Creek have been carefully oriented to ensure ample access to sunlight and to provide views to the creek edge and bushland reserve. To foster a sense of connection with the landscape, all lots have easy access to the reserves and bike path, and many adjoin the reserves directly. Building design guidelines promote high-quality, attractive homes that will meet high standards of environmental performance. Stormwater is calmed and purified by directing it to wetlands planted with indigenous aquatic species, reducing flood and nutrient impacts on the Mullum Mullum Creek. Sweeping curves at varying scales have been integrated into the road and path network and the landscaping treatment, to create a beautiful and sustainable living environment that reflects and expresses on the local landscape.